Calendar of Events

The Digital Therapeutics Alliance hosts a variety of events for members and non-members to engage throughout the year. These events cover an array of topics including regulatory and reimbursement updates, industry best practices, current DTA projects and initiatives, and more.

Upcoming Events


September 12 at 11:00AM ET | DTx Value Guide Meet-Up: Product Evaluation & Clinical Evidence | Free

Join us for a series of meet-ups as we take a deep dive into the real-world application of the DTx Value Assessment & Integration Guide.

Meet-Up 1: Product Evaluation & Clinical Evidence
Digital therapeutics undergo multiple evaluations throughout the product life cycle. These clinical and economic studies are used in the evaluation of product safety, effectiveness, real-world use, implementation, value assessment, and therapy optimization.

Learn More and Register


September 19 at 3:00PM KST | Current Status of DTx Reimbursement and Adoption in Korea: Opportunities for Local and International Companies | Free

Korea has emerged as a significant market for DTx in the APAC region, with unique challenges and opportunities related to reimbursement and adoption. This webinar aims to explore the current landscape in Korea and provide valuable insights for both local and international companies seeking to enter or expand in
this market.

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September 25 at 11:00AM ET | Prescription DTx Integration into Healthcare System Workflows | $25 for Non-Members

The integration of digital therapeutic products into existing workflows is critical for provider and payor adoption at scale. The Digital Therapeutics Alliance is working with important stakeholder groups to uncover the intricacies and requirements by product manufacturers, health plans, PBMs, provider systems, pharmacies, distributors, and others to ultimately provide patients access to these innovative treatments.

Join this panel discussion to learn about the entire health system workflow with differing payment and patient access pathways and how they impact workflows for other stakeholders. Attendees will learn how to work with each stakeholder to integrate DTx products in a standardized and recognized practice.

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September 26 at 11:00AM ET | Navigating Workflow and Distribution for Non-Prescription DTx | $25 for Non-Members

Join us for an insightful webinar on the workflow and distribution pathways for non-prescription digital therapeutics (DTx). This session will explore how theseinnovative tools can be effectively integrated into employer benefit programs and health plan platforms, providing personalized health interventions without the need for a prescription.

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September 30 at 11:00AM ET | Q3 DTA Town Hall | Member-Only Event

Join DTA members and staff as we discuss priorities to address in 2025. This conversation is part of DTA’s annual strategic planning and will include:

  • A report from the 2024 DTA member survey
  • A report from the 2024 DTA advisory board survey
  • Discussion around 2025 priorities
  • Board of Directors Elections
  • Next steps in strategic planning

Register now to give your input on the 2025 strategic priorities!


Contact DTA to Learn More



October 15 at 11:00AM ET | DTx Demo Day: National Physical Therapy Month | Free

In recognition of National Physical Therapy Month, the Digital Therapeutics Alliance is hosting a DTx Demo Day, focusing on innovative digital solutions in thephysical therapy and musculoskeletal (MSK) rehabilitation space. Join us as we explore the future of physical therapy and rehabilitation through the lens of digital therapeutics.

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